Product: ultimatemobilespy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
Scam!!!! Stay away!!! - Mama bear

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry

Product: ultimatemobilespy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
They said I must go from 32 bit to 64 bit to get the software downloaded bullshit now they dont respond to any of my e-mails Dear Marius Vorster, Thank you for shopping at! We appreciate your business and hope to see you back in our store soon! Please note that if you paid with a credit card, the charge will appear on your statement as 'E-Stealth' or ''. Here is a summary of your order: SPY001 ULTIMATE BLUETOOTH MOBILE PHONE SPY 2014 $69.95 X 1 = $69.95 ___________________________________ Subtotal: $69.95 Discount: $20.14 Shipping: $0.00 Sales Tax: $0.00 Total: $49.81 Discounts / Promotions / Gift Certificates - Year 2014 Sale TG2014 - $20.14 Your billing/shipping address is: Marius Vorster Vorscon Jelliman str 28 Noordheuwel Krugersdorp, Gauteng 1740 ZA Payment Method: Credit Card ** INFORMATION FOR DOWNLOAD PRODUCTS ** If you purchased one or more items from us which are available for immediate download, you can use the following link to retrieve your item(s): Since the product you will download may be 'zipped', you will need to download the free trial version of WinZip. You can do so using the following link: When you examine your downloaded items(s), please note that any files ending with the extension HTML are instruction manuals. These files can be opened using Internet Explorer or any other web browser software. Account Info: ** ADDITIONAL ACCOUNT INFORMATION ** Login: [email protected] Pass: ****** Comments ULTIMATE BLUETOOTH MOBILE PHONE SPY 2014 For [email protected] With warmest regards, The staff at - Marius

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
Mobile spy È‹ÌŠÌ̅§ not good for me. Their gps È‹ÌŠÌ̅§ irregular cos sometimes it says the target phone'§ location È‹ÌŠÌ̅§ middle of the ocean. When I complained, they cut my subscription ĄЙd̶̲̥̅̊‎​ did not refund my money. Worst part, I can't mail them again...they just cut me off - olay

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I installed this on my "target" BB Curve phone and all of the features seem to work except that it uses huge amounts of data!!!! Up to 1Gb a day for a few SMS's and call records. It looks like they are making their money by using the target phones as proxies of some sort or the other. They firstly told me it might be because my mobile network was faulty but then when it did the same on Wi-Fi they stopped answering my emails!!! Beware this product is not all it seems to be! - Howzit

Product: estealth
Phone Operating System: blackberry
This product is a f@#$ scam! It does not work and there is NO support. It says it works on any phone. NOO way! it says you can listen on in any range! No way! Bluetooth doesnt work that way. I thought it was worth a try despite all my inner voices saying it's a scam and it turned out to be a scam. They won't even return your money. Stay far far away from this product. Just do a search on google for e-stealth scams and you will see lots of people complaining! I wish i could rate this negative 10 stars! - estealth scam

Product: spybubble
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I purchased Spybubble, and installed it on my spouse's phone. I sent a complaint that I couldn't get it to work. I sent another complaint saying it still didn't work and I wanted a refund. I believe it to be a scam. They don’t have a phone number or a physical address and no one responds when you send a request for support. - Kim

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
This spyphone program is not at all what it appears to be. At first I thought everything was going well, but after the installation I found that many of the features did not work. For example I never got the phone calls that were recorded to play properly. One or two of them played and the rest are just plain empty. I never got the feature for listening to the phone's surroundings to function at all. Then the text and call logs would show up hours late. I emailed customer service over 20 times trying to get this resolved and they only replied with canned answers that made it seem as if they were not really reading my questions and trying to address my problems. I wish I could give them less than a 1 on customer support and overall satisfaction. The Mobistealth software also decided to put all of the phone calls it did record into the music player on the phone, which would have alerted the user that their calls were being recorded! So I decided to erase the entire phone and do a factory reset. The phone is still acting funny and I don't believe the Mobistealth spy software is actually gone. If you buy this spy phone software just BEWARE it is not very reliable and the support service is horrible. - spywife

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I have been using Mobilestealth for awhile now, and I can't say enough how impressed I am. Yes, there were a few glitches, and occasionally it seems to miss a message or recording, but overall it has far exceeded my expectations. Maybe that's because I had a bad experience buying that estealth crap, so i was a bit turned off by all this mobile spy shit. One thing I do know is that this stuff works and if you are even considering buying any other spyphone software, you need to take a hard look at this product because it works. It's as simple as that. Just call me the DUDE! - the Dude

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
When looking for mobile spy software I was impressed with their feature list, but now I am just wondering about who runs Mobistealth and why they do not have a tech support line. Even though Flexispy seems to be based in Thailand, and more expensive, they seem to have solid support so maybe I will go with them and if I can remember, submit a review for them. (Editor's Note: This person doesn't seem to have actually bought the software) - Jack

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
If you have no complaints then you are either work for the Mobistealth company or they have significantly fixed the product. Whatever the reason I am sooooo disappointed! It took over 24hrs to get the information I needed to even login to the web account. Then the serial number they provided me was wrong. The installation was easy up to that point. I emailed them since they had no listed number to call, and didn't receive an email for two days! Then, when I threatened to demand my money back, they emailed me again with a new serial key. I tried again and still the software said wrong serial number! I emailed Plimus who does Mobistealth's credit card transaction and informed them I wanted my money back. Mobistealth did not respond within 24hrs so I called my credit card company to dispute it and report a scam. Basically...I wouldn't recommend buying it. - Amanda M

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I will have to say I thought this was a joke or some sort of get over on the lil person game. I wanted to check on a friend of interest and OMG it was like I was right there with them on almost every turn. Now sometimes it has to reset if the target battery runs completely out or one gets on a plane but i could see info from anywhere in the US! However if you can't handle what you may see don't do this because its stressful. It's like a game being played and you believe you want to see something but one really don't so when you think something is going down, but it really isn't, you will be at ease. However if you want to know what the real business is then do this, and one more thing, don't run to them with the first info..wait.. or make yourself wait for a month because it gets better everytime. I was reassured that this friend was my baby and no issues came up to support that this person wasn't. A great buy. - Had to Know

Product: lite
Phone Operating System: blackberry
Mobile Stealth works and I would actually recommend it to my friends and anyone else who wants to catch their cheating dog (husband) but the problem is their customer support. I had a few problems and it took several emails to get it resolved. I think once they nail down their support issues, Mobile Stealth will be the perfect product in all areas. I have zero complaints with their software, its absolutely fabulous, so they are so very close to being perfect in every way. just wish they would either add more support staff or offer live support. - Sammy

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
Mobistealth is amazing!!! You get more features than both Mobile Spy & Flexispy, and it's almost half the cost of Flexispy! (Editorial Note: I think Mobile Spy and FlexiSPY actually have more features) I've been using MobiSteath for a few months now and have no complaints! Their customer support could improve a tad bit, but overall their product works 100% as advertised. One more thing. It's not really advertised anywhere but Mobisealth has a cool reverse look up feature for cell phones built into your dashboard, so that means no more paying money to those reverse look up companies. Bottom line is im 100% satisfied! - Amazed

Product: pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
ok ok where do i start? i bought mobistealth about a week ago for my husband’s blackberry. I couldnt believe i would ever be in a situation where i would even consider spying on my husband, but enough is enough. I just had to know what was going on. 12 years of marriage and I know when something is wrong. I started shopping around for blackberry spyware about 2 weeks ago, and compared all the features mobistealth has, and all of the other spyware on the market. I was tempted to buy estealth, but thankfully i read a lot of bad reviews on it so I decided on Mobistealth. Now I'm not a technical person, so I sort of assumed it would not be as easy as everyone says, but i still gave it a shot. The purchase process was a breeze, and from there things got a bit harder. Installing Mobistealth definitely takes a bit of patience, but the savior for me was their support which was spot on. Every time I got stuck, I was able to send a message to their support team and get a reply back with details on what I was doing wrong. Eventually I got it installed and working. The result? Well, let's just say Mobstealth was a lot more dependable than my soon to be ex hubsband. I had some problems getting the gps to work, but that could be due to general gps problems (as Mobistealth's support team explained), and I also had some messages that didnt seem to get recorded, but overall I would say 90% of the data I wanted from his phone I was able to see. I must say it is absolutely amazing what these things do and the type of information you can get from them. So would I recommend Mobistealth to a friend? Yes i would 100%, without a doubt. Is it a perfect product? No.. there are some sporadic problems, but nothing I can't live with. - Suspicious

Product: mobile-nanny
Phone Operating System: blackberry
Mobile Nanny Pro couldn't have been simpler to use. We found configuring each option was easy, as was checking out call and use logs for each section on the website. Overall we're quite happy with this parental control software (we don't like to think of it as spying!). - Ma and Pa

Product: phone-sheriff
Phone Operating System: blackberry
A priceless piece of software. After having some doubts about honesty, this really helped set the record straight and confirmed my suspicions." - Jackie

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I am not happy with Mobile Spy. I had it a short while and the SMS and url logs never showed up, which they definitely should have. The call logs would show up every so often and the GPS worked at first, but then it did't at all. I know for a fact that there should had been no reason for it not to work. I had checked to make sure the phone and phone carrier were supported before I bought it. I did get a refund. I am hoping they will make improvements in their spyphone software. - Diana

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I have been a user of Mobile Spy for the last several months and i really don't have much in the way of complaints.. Although it was a bit tricky installing and it occasionaly loses some of the data (I know the person I am spying on sent me a text message and I didn't see it appear on the logs, but for the most part their product works and I can't imagine what I would do if I didn't have it. I would like to see more features added, but you can't go wrong with the price, and their support is excellent. Ease of use?? Well... I guess its easy once you have it figured out, but they could do a better job with their instructions. Overall i am satisfied with Mobile Spy. - Robert

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I bought this awhile ago. I had several problems installing it. I finally got the program installed but I could not get it activated. Even without the program being activated, it drained the hell out of the cell phone battery. The cell phone battery was dead before 4 hours (and it started on a full charge)! Competely dead! Normally this phone would still have a charge by the end of the day (it's a Blackberry Curve) This was a dead give-away to the cell phone user that something was up. Dunno if this has been fixed in the latest version, but, just be warned. This could be a problem for many people who invest in this software. - Jim J

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I bought this software about two weeks ago. I now wish I had just sprung for the FlexiSpy package that allows me to hear live phone calls too, but the price was right for this one. I had never used a Blackberry before, but studied the installation directions a LOT and it didn't take me too long to install it. I knew from the first day that he was a cheating bastard, but I wish I could have accessed the live phone calls too. It would have been torture, but I still feel like it would have helped me make the decisions I had to make. They spent hours on the phone talking to each other every day, but other then that I can't fault Mobile Spy...this product is great. - Jill

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I purchased this spy software about two weeks ago. It took me awhile to figure out how to install it. Luckily I was giving the Blackberry phone as a gift, so I had all the time in the world. The support was OK at best. Maybe I am a bit impatient, but I like my support tickets responded to right away not a day or two later. They did end up helping me though, so suppose they did their job, I just wish they had live support or maybe 24 hour online support. It has been awhile since it's been working and its done the job. It only took about 8 hours for me to see the evidence that I needed that my ex was having an affair. I knew who the bitch was, but I didn't have any evidence before and now I do. For anyone thinking of buying this, let me tell you that it works, you just need to make sure you have time to install it because it's not as easy for people like me that aren't that computer savvy. Take the time to learn how the install works and you should be OK. So am I happy? You betcha. If I hadn't come across this product, I would probably still be dreaming of a wedding later on this year, instead I am dreaming of a new boyfriend. - Sarah

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I didn't think I could afford Flexispy, so I went with Mobile Spy. I had occasional problems with the logs not updating but I am not sure if this is due to my spotty internet connection or if it was a software problem. Overall I'm quite satisfied, although I couldn't see the emails being sent with the version of the software that I had. - Ponch

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I was stunned by how efficient Mobile Spy is! I was able to listen to my girlfriend's conversations and just about any thing she does with her cell phone which helped me see just how loyal she is to me. Thanks to Mobile Spy Technologies for making this great spy tool available for an average woman like me. It is definitely unique software. It’s not only the product, its a complete service. Thanks again! - Jane

Product: mobile-spy
Phone Operating System: blackberry
Mobile Spy is truly a best-in-class mobile technology. It works exactly as advertised! I’ve already recommended this spy phone software to lots of people, and thanks for giving me the opportunity to write my opinion for your website! - Emmy

Product: flexispy-pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I bought flexispy for my now ex-fiance's Blackberry Curve. I realize it was illegal for me to install it on his phone, but I was desperate and willing to accept the consequences on the remote chance I would be caught. Once I managed to get the spy software installed i was SHOCKED with all the information I was able to get from it. Maybe I was more then a bit suspicious of this thing actually working, but not only did it actually work, it worked beyond my wildest expectations. If I had never used this software, I would most likely have ended up making the biggest mistake of my life, and marrying someone who just turned out to be a nightmare. - Jenny F.

Product: flexispy-basic
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I purchased the Blackberry spy software from Flexispy and was impressed despite my initial skepticism and was pleasantly surprised that it actually worked. I haven't tried any of the other software, but aside from the price I would definitely recommend Flexispy. - Andy D.

Product: estealth
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I already put in a review for Flexispy, but I just had to put in a negative review for this POS. Didn't work...complete ripoff. - Bob J.

Product: flexispy-pro-x
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I really wish I'd found this website earlier. I tried eStealth and Big Daddy (neither one worked !@$@#$*). I was trying to avoid installing anything on her phone directly and use blue tooth, but I just couldn't get it to work, and support was non-existent, but Flexispy worked right away. Yeah, it is more expensive, probably a bit too expensive, but I would rather pay double the price for something that works than something that absolutely does not like that esucks program. - Bob J.

Product: flexispy-pro
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I have been a very happy FlexiSPY BlackBerry user for the past several months, and I have to say I am pretty happy so far. If anyone is thinking of buying software from FlexiSPY, do not hesitate because their software works exactly as advertised. If you compare the features like I have, FlexiSPY spy phone software comes out on top (well, ok, it's about the same as Spyera, but the support seemed more reliable. I haven't installed any other cell phone spy software, but this one was a breeze, and customer support for FlexiSPY was rock solid. They answered all my questions within 24 hours. One of the big features that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere is the remote un-install feature. This is a BIG DEAL!!! Once you get the info you need, you have to remove any trace of the software, and as far as I could tell only FlexiSPY has this. (editorial note: it is not) I have to say I'm a happy customer because I got what I wanted, which is kind of rare these days when buying software online. - Clive C.

Product: basic
Phone Operating System: blackberry
In the few days that I've been using this software, it has delivered everything I wanted from it. The coolest thing is being able to see all the text messages my gf sent out. I know that not everyone agrees with this kind of use for spy software, but she has been busted by me twice before, and she has promised me to never do it again. So before we get married i gotta know for sure. I think anyone who is looking for quality spy software for a Blackberry phone would be very happy with this product. - Al

Product: light
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I purchased Flexispy for my girlfriend's BlackBerry cell phone a few days ago. Here's a little mini-review. The version I got was the cheapest one, called FlexiSpy Light (Basic seemed like it was only for iPhone). Installation was a lot easier than I thought it would be, but trying to configure it actually took some time, although I did get it to work after an hour or two. I never got a chance to contact their support department because the instructions they gave me were all i needed to get the software to work. So far I'd have to say it's been a good experience. - Conrad

Product: basic
Phone Operating System: blackberry
We first bought the FlexiSpy Spyphone Software to keep tabs on our teenage daughter so we could make sure she wasn't keeping company with the wrong people or doing drugs. It turned out she wasn't doing anything we didn't approve of, but suprisingly the software there were other benefits like getting some insight into some of the problems she has been facing from peer pressure which helped us communicate better with her. - Andy & Lisa

Product: pro-x
Phone Operating System: blackberry
I seriously thought about hiring a Private Investigator to follow my husband when i thought he might be cheating, but it was going to cost over 4K for just one week! A friend told me about the FlexiSpy spyphone Software. I had absolutely no idea about spy phone software before before buying FlexiSpy Pro-X, but I was really amazed that it not only allowed me to track his location, but to listen to his phone calls and view all his SMS's! Now I know everything and although I'm more then a little pissed at that cheating bastard I'd have to say the spy software worked as advertised. - Angry Jane

Product: basic
Phone Operating System: blackberry
While Flexispy Light has some good features, their customer service seems kinda slow. They have live chat support, but I chose to use the ticketing system for some help instead. The flexispy spyphone software eventually worked as advertised, but it seemed a little buggy at first. - Frank X